parto_tradicional_guatemala The International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in 1994, states that there are two types of health directly related to the welfare of women and development, through the multiplier effect of working with women: reproductive health and the sexual health. The reproductive state of complete physical, mental and social development in all aspects of the reproductive system and its functions and processes. This implies the right of men and women to obtain information (education) and access to methods of their choosing safe, effective, acceptable and affordable in terms of family planning and other methods of choice for regulation of fertility which are not against the law, and the right of women to have access to health care that promote pregnancy and safe delivery. Sexual health, would be the free development of life and personal relationships, which should also be considered in reproductive health
These rights are structured and practiced by different rights, despite the redundancy, universal people, such as the right to education, freedom of expression and choice, right to life, security, the right to raise a family from the free and full consent of the couples, the right to decent work, non-discrimination for sexual orientation, etc.., they all trigger one of the most important rights, which also affects more directly to women and and girls and makes patents reflecting the close links between development and reproductive and sexual health and equality of men and women: sexual and reproductive rights.

Some of the rights that have emerged as priorities in this world are sexual and reproductive rights as intrinsic to human rights. Citizenship law, which when exercised and recognized as rights, involving both men and women when we exercise, we should not suffer any discrimination, coercion or violence by the state or other entities, or individuals or groups. By contrast, the state and its institutions are required to provide the conditions to be effective and to citizens’ demands in this area are heard.
However, people in general and women in particular find it difficult to exercise the right of citizens to health, right to require the State involving the social and economic conditions to enjoy optimal health status, responsibility for which can not be exempted . But the reality is quite the opposite especially in poor countries.
While there are obstacles to cultural and religious prevent women, especially younger women, access to information and guidance necessary to protect health risk or to prevent diseases such as AIDS / HIV or STDs, or While no partial anesthesia in women who are suffering complications of illegal abortions, abuse and rape, the selection of male fetuses, FGM, and a long list of violations of a full sexual health, satisfaction and our rights do think about it and plan these kinds of initiatives.
Present and relatively speaking, the world’s women have not achieved that respects:

  • the right to exercise a healthy sexual and reproductive health,
  • the right to know our body and how it works
  • the right to engage in safe sex or undesirable consequences,
  • The right to relate sexually with who we want without being pressured or abused, and when we choose. One in three women will suffer some form of violence during her lifetime, becoming part of an epidemic that devastates lives, fractures communities and stalls development. Although there have been some progress in this regard over the past decade, the magnitude of this problem is largely unrecognized. A new form of violence against women is the global trafficking of women and girls.
  • the right to seek and experience pleasure without guilt, without being classified as «loose women»
  • the right to decide how many children they want to have, when to have or not have them,
  • the right to be well informed to regulate our fertility methods effective, safe and affordable
  • the right to receive health care from the highest quality in pregnancy, childbirth and all the other moments of our sexual and reproductive lives,
  • the right to share the responsibilities of sexuality and reproduction with the couple,
  • The right to protect ourselves from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV / AIDS, especially when it comes to young women and girls. the right to equal participation of women in decision-making in areas related to health.
  • The right to life or that of our baby at risk at every birth without assistance of any kind
  • The right to keep us in mind as we enable space development with our triple role
  • The right to mutilate we are not a part of our anotomía in name does not really know that …. (FGM)
  • The right to choose our partner and sexual identity and not be discriminated for it.
  • The right to safe working conditions and that do not conflict with our psychosocial and physical integrity (abuse and harassment)
  • The right to paternity / maternity responsible in society to ensure the integrity of persons and reconciling work and family life.

salud_bolivia1 Although we have two separate legal instruments, both internationally and from the European Union, State and communities, we can express that in general, and especially poor countries, these instruments are accepted and ratified but not met by 100 %, although most countries have legislation on women’s human rights, violence prevention, family law, the difficulties in a real exercise are the order of the day. That is, there are rules to apply well established, recognized and ratified by most countries is a mere declaration of good intentions. Thus, it violated our rights as citizens when the state fails to take responsibility for their duties and commitments. There are formal rules, not social, because states accept and recognize, but last but not enforced, or if they do, not all.

This happens in particular in countries from Haurralde chose as a focus of our project intervention: Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, India, Bolivia, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Argentina …
Universal access to reproductive health care, including family planning, is the starting point for maternal health. It is particularly important to meet the needs of the millions of young people who are about to begin their reproductive lives. Currently there are 200 million women who do not have the safe and effective contraceptive services they need (FNPA, 2009).
We note from Haurralde also that the sexual and reproductive rights have not been similarly achieved in European countries, there noticeable deference in terms of legislation, applicability, attention and awareness on the issue.
Thanks to a framework instrument such as CEDAW, are slowly introducing small improvements, partly because the guidelines themselves to CEDAW countries, partly because of the invaluable contribution of social organizations reporting «shadow» that we to refute the reports generally uncritical and positive government.
Problems detected by these, we propose work strategies at the following addresses:


  • Improve training and development actors Development and Education, viable alternatives of working together, to create spaces where you promote the rights of women in sexual and reproductive health, raise awareness about the ongoing violations of these rights and develop training materials for the continuation of awareness raising in as many contexts as possible.
  • Improve development efforts with our partners / local as the South, including this issue on the agenda, and making a joint that would achieve results in the rights in sexual and reproductive health of girls and women.
  • Empower local and international advocacy spaces, where social organizations, from a very wide range, NGOs, organizations of women, immigrants and others can work in RED. And vindicate the rights and health areas we have not managed to be political interest agenda.