Experience short-lived, but intense and emotional in the professional and personal

jokin1 I’ve been working a little over a month in an association of Chimoio – Mozambique called Matsatse (Morning Star), one of the many counter-parties dela Haurralde Fundazioa Basque NGO.

Matsatse works in a neighborhood built on clay, where it is difficult to have good hygiene, it is difficult to find work, many schools are saturated with children.

This neighborhood is a 30 minute walk from the center of the city, a city may be one here but somewhat neglected, with power outages and water frequently.

HIV incidence by many orphans. Being an orphan means that grandparents (usually unemployed) have to take care of children / as. They can not send them to school, sometimes just by not washing school uniforms become expelled. Usually no food for the whole family.

It is from these orphans of dealing Matsatse and Haurralde

Thanks to Haurralde Fundazioa, but especially to sponsors / as of about 80 children / as, is given desayudar and feed these children, over 80 and some even without a sponsor but they also help, a teacher is concerned of a preschool classroom and with activities that take place: basketball, volleyball, care of poultry, bakery, school garden, … Is very close to the council permission to host to a roof, bed (with mosquito net), toilets, etc. the most critical cases and so they have permission to live on the premises of the Association.


But the idea of this article was more to talk about my experience there …….


«One way to approach the world through solidarity, commitment, training and commitment to promoting a more just society»  

Since 2006 marks the September 8 Day / the Cooperating, coinciding with the anniversary of the signing of the Millennium Declaration United Nations.

Power Haurralde young Basques / as have the opportunity to learn about other cultures, to contribute some of their knowledge to society impoverished and receiving in return a large store of learning both personally and in values.


This is the experience of young people in Mozambique, although not that of a / a cooperating professional, they are still experiences that are worth sharing.
